The total number of results is 1053. Page 23 from 70.


Borders, meaning and value – From the study of the experience of the twin cities of Rivera and Santana do Livramento.

Borders, meaning and value – From the study of the experience of the twin cities of Rivera and Santana do Livramento.

Recent developments of cybersecurity and its implications to International Relations: Stratfor versus Anonymous

Recent developments of cybersecurity and its implications to International Relations: Stratfor versus Anonymous

Book Review: "A Ideia de Justiça"

Book Review: "A Ideia de Justiça"

Peruvian domestic politics and diplomacy: from the uncertainity to the stability of the South American integration project

Peruvian domestic politics and diplomacy: from the uncertainity to the stability of the South American integration project

Brazilians abroad - New agenda of Brazilian foreign policy and research in the Brazilian International Relations academy

Brazilians abroad - New agenda of Brazilian foreign policy and research in the Brazilian International Relations academy

Cooperation Brazil-Africa on biofuels during the Lula government: a partnership for development

Cooperation Brazil-Africa on biofuels during the Lula government: a partnership for development

The suspension of Paraguay and the entry of Venezuela: Implications for the regime of collective defense of democracy of MERCOSUR

The suspension of Paraguay and the entry of Venezuela: Implications for the regime of collective defense of democracy of MERCOSUR

Lugo’s case or which Maquiaveli does Brazil want to be?

Lugo’s case or which Maquiaveli does Brazil want to be?

Brazil-Paraguay relations in the post-Lugo era: a prospective analysis

Brazil-Paraguay relations in the post-Lugo era: a prospective analysis

Paraguay crisis and Brazil

Paraguay crisis and Brazil

Book review: O Enigma do Capital

Book review: O Enigma do Capital

Book review: Hierarchy in International Relations, de David A. Lake.

Book review: Hierarchy in International Relations, de David A. Lake.

The South-South cooperation in the Government Lula´s Foreign Policy (2003-2010)

The South-South cooperation in the Government Lula´s Foreign Policy (2003-2010)

Latin-American regional integration: Challenges and alternatives to integrated development

Latin-American regional integration: Challenges and alternatives to integrated development

Chinese foreign policy and rapprochement with Iran: economic interdependence or shifting balance of power in the Middle East?

Chinese foreign policy and rapprochement with Iran: economic interdependence or shifting balance of power in the Middle East?
The total number of results is 1053.
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