The total number of results is 1053. Page 20 from 70.


The interoceanic canal project in Nicaragua and the influence of Chinese capitals in Central America

The interoceanic canal project in Nicaragua and the influence of Chinese capitals in Central America

Energy complementation in South America: from ECLACL to UNASUR

Energy complementation in South America: from ECLACL to UNASUR

The persistence in the error: oversized structure, reduced funds, sectoral interests, and their effects on the Argentine defense

The persistence in the error: oversized structure, reduced funds, sectoral interests, and their effects on the Argentine defense

Cooperation and Dialogue between the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs: a horizontal agenda on defense

Cooperation and Dialogue between the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs: a horizontal agenda on defense

Mercosur-European Union Agreement: between reality and discourse. Impacts and Perspectives

Mercosur-European Union Agreement: between reality and discourse. Impacts and Perspectives

The use of the veil in France and the international temporality: considerations from a postcolonial perspective

The use of the veil in France and the international temporality: considerations from a postcolonial perspective

The political-economic scenario post-cold war and the neoliberal wave in Latin America: a case study of Brazil, Chile and Argentina

The political-economic scenario post-cold war and the neoliberal wave in Latin America: a case study of Brazil, Chile and Argentina

Argentina in brazilian foreign policy in the governments FHC and Lula da Silva

Argentina in brazilian foreign policy in the governments FHC and Lula da Silva

Crime, citizenship and race: Latin American dilemmas in security doctrine

Crime, citizenship and race: Latin American dilemmas in security doctrine

The making of modernity: violence and social revolution in the South Asian context

The making of modernity: violence and social revolution in the South Asian context

Identification and mourning: the humanization and the survival of migrants and refugees

Identification and mourning: the humanization and the survival of migrants and refugees

Qualified immigration and migration policy in brazil (2000-2017)

Qualified immigration and migration policy in brazil (2000-2017)

Human sustainable development from UNDP perspective: challenges to putting the ideal into practice

Human sustainable development from UNDP perspective: challenges to putting the ideal into practice

The specialized meeting on family farming of Mercosur (REAF): expansion or deepening of regional integration?

The specialized meeting on family farming of Mercosur (REAF): expansion or deepening of regional integration?

The exercise of regional leadership: a preliminary assessment using brazilian and mexican opinions

The exercise of regional leadership: a preliminary assessment using brazilian and mexican opinions
The total number of results is 1053.
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