The total number of results is 1053. Page 5 from 70.


Africa-Brazil Relations During the Military Regime and in the Present-Day

Africa-Brazil Relations During the Military Regime and in the Present-Day

China's Investments in the South American Oil Sector

China's Investments in the South American Oil Sector

Foreign Policy and Midterm Elections: Prospects on Obama's Government

Foreign Policy and Midterm Elections: Prospects on Obama's Government

Book Review: Do otimismo liberal à globalização assimétrica: a política externa do governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002)

Book Review: Do otimismo liberal à globalização assimétrica: a política externa do governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002)

Desenvolvimento Indiano a Partir das Reformas Macroeconômicas de 1990

Desenvolvimento Indiano a Partir das Reformas Macroeconômicas de 1990

From Awakening to Strategic Omission: African Economic and Foreign Policies Between Military and Democratic Governments in the 1990's

From Awakening to Strategic Omission: African Economic and Foreign Policies Between Military and Democratic Governments in the 1990's

Brazil in Africa (2003-2010): Policy, Development and Trade

Brazil in Africa (2003-2010): Policy, Development and Trade

China, Russia and Asian Integration: The Sinocentric System as Part of the Systemic Transition

China, Russia and Asian Integration: The Sinocentric System as Part of the Systemic Transition

Yet Another Historical Spring, the Arabs Plant Flowers in the Desert

Yet Another Historical Spring, the Arabs Plant Flowers in the Desert

The elephant's track: the Indian presence in Africa

The elephant's track: the Indian presence in Africa

Book Review: "Cyber war: the next threat to national security and what to do about it"

Book Review: "Cyber war: the next threat to national security and what to do about it"

Structure and Conjuncture in the Mexican Conflict: an Alternative Interpretation to Drug Trafficking-Related Violence

Structure and Conjuncture in the Mexican Conflict: an Alternative Interpretation to Drug Trafficking-Related Violence

Relations Between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China During the Pontificate of John Paul II

Relations Between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China During the Pontificate of John Paul II

A Historical Overview of Venezuela-Brazil Relations

A Historical Overview of Venezuela-Brazil Relations

India and the Regional Security After Abbottabad

India and the Regional Security After Abbottabad
The total number of results is 1053.
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