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Public Paper

    Determination of Daily Global Radiation from Air Temperature and Rainfall Measurements for Lagos Nigeria

    ISSN: 2195-1381

    Publisher: author   

Determination of Daily Global Radiation from Air Temperature and Rainfall Measurements for Lagos Nigeria
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Abstract Determination of Daily global radiation is often required in the meteorological calculations. In this paper a model to determine daily global radiation from temperature and rainfall measurement are presented. The methodology adopted is to first identify the probabilities of clear skies and overcast skies, after which their sky transmittance are interpolated respectively in order to determine intermediate days i.e. days that are neither clear nor overcast. The model was tested for Lagos state south west Nigeria over a period of 5 years. The mean difference and percentage error were computed for both the measured and the estimated daily solar radiations. Our result shows that there appears to be no significance difference between the mean monthly and yearly estimated values and the mean monthly and yearly measured values.  Index Terms— Air temperature, Rainfall, Global radiation 

International Category Code (ICC):
A.m. Oladepo, A.o. Boyo
International Article Address (IAA): Pending
Paper Profile: Private
Visitors: 0
Paper Evaluation: Pending
ASI-Factor: 0
Paper Improving: Pending
Paper Flaws: 0

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