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Public Paper

    Applying Grid-connected PV Systems as Supplement to Public Electricity Network in Rural Area of Iran

    ISSN: en

    Publisher: author   

Applying Grid-connected PV Systems as Supplement to Public Electricity Network in Rural Area of Iran
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Abstract In this paper we used the grid-connected PV system to supply the agriculture area in Iran. Now Iran's rural and remote areas is supplied through the public network that has voltage drop during peak times or use diesel generator as a supplement. Diesel power would not be the better option because of fuel's high cost and immediate and long term effects on environment due to carbon emissions. In this paper we aim to replace the diesel generator with grid-connected PV system and reduce the voltage drop at peak times. With Consideration pollution penalty in Iran, a real Cost of Energy (COE) could be obtained. The HOMER software used for our analysis.Index Terms— COE, Electricity Network, Emission, PV.

International Category Code (ICC):
Sasan Talebhagh, Hossein Kazemi Kareghar
International Article Address (IAA): IAA.ZONE/en6748en
Paper Profile: Private
Visitors: 0
Paper Evaluation: Pending
ASI-Factor: 0
Paper Improving: Pending
Paper Flaws: 0

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